Judith Raum lebt und arbeitet in Berlin. Nach ihrem Kunststudium in Frankfurt am Main und New York schloss sie 2006 ihren Magister der Philosophie, Kunstgeschichte und Psychoanalyse an der Universität Frankfurt mit Auszeichnung ab. Ihre Arbeit sucht die Symbiose aus künstlerischen und wissenschaftlichen (Erkenntnis-)Formaten, umfasst Performance Lectures, künstlerische Arbeiten, die auf detaillierter Recherche basieren, und ästhetische Auseinandersetzungen mit philosophischen Fragestellungen. Die Werke der Villa-Romana-Preisträgerin wurden u. a. in Einzelausstellungen in der Galerie Zilberman, Berlin (2025), bei SALT Beyoğlu, Istanbul (2015) und im Heidelberger Kunstverein (2014) gezeigt. Die von ihr herausgegebene Publikation Otti Berger. Weaving for Modernist Architecture erschien 2024 bei Hatje Cantz, ihre Publikation eser ist 2015 bei Archive Books.
1997–2004 | Städelschule, Academy of Fine Arts, Frankfurt/M |
2000–2001 | Cooper Union School of Arts und Parsons School of Design, New York City, USA |
2001–2006 | Master in philosophy, psychoanalysis, art history, University of Frankfurt/M; master thesis on the aesthetic relevance of Merleau-Ponty's philosophy of the body |
2023-25 | Kunsthochschule Kassel: W3-Vertretungsprofessur Basisklasse |
2022 | Kunstakademie Nürnberg: Textile Praktiken & Künstlerische Forschung (Workshop) |
2020 | Kunsthochschule Burg Giebichenstein, Halle/Saale: Dekoloniale Erinnerungsarbeit. Zur Aktualität von A.W. Amo (Workshop) |
2019 | Yale School of Architecture: Activated fabric (Workshop) |
2019 | Harvard-University, Cambridge M.A./Harvard Art Museums: Working with a textile archive (Workshop) |
2019 | Academy of Design, University Gothenburg: Activated fabric (Key-note lecture) |
2017 | Universität der Künste Berlin: Textile and artistic pratice: Gendering at the Bauhaus (Seminar) |
2017 | École Supérieure des Arts et Design Grénoble: The artistic researcher who paints and draws |
2013 | University of Fine Arts Berlin: German orientalism between colonialism and anti-bourgeois thinking (Seminar in collaboration with Prof. Suzanne Marchand, USA) |
2012 | University of Fine Arts Berlin, faculty of design: performed objects (lecture & individual critiques) |
2011 | Valand School of Fine Arts Gothenburg: objects as situations (workshop) |
2011 | University of Fine Arts Berlin: art&life: reading into the history of performance (workshop on invitation of Josephine Pryde) |
2007–2011 | University of Fine Arts Berlin, teaching assignment art theory+ practice |
2010 | University of Fine Arts Berlin, seminar Narrative strategies in Yvonne Rainer's films, with Sabeth Buchmann |
2010 | University of Fine Arts Berlin, seminar Re-reading Karl Marx' Capital |
2007 | University of Siegen, department of architecture, workshop art in public space |
2006 | University of Fine Arts Berlin, theory-workshop contrarious perceptions |
2023 | Jüdisches Museum Berlin, 1. Preis Kunst am Bau Wettbewerb |
2022 | Graham Foundation, Chicago; Krupp-Stiftung, Essen; Hamburger Stiftung zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und Kunst |
2021 | Villa Massimo: Casa Baldi |
2019 | Artistic research grant, Berlin Senate |
2017 | Bundeskulturstiftung, funding for work on Bauhaus-weaver Otti Berger |
2016 | artist working grant, Stiftung Kunstfonds Bonn |
2015 | Villa-Romana-Award 2015, Villa Romana, Florence, Italy |
2013–2011 | artist research grant at the Graduate School for the Arts, University of Fine Arts Berlin |
2011 | artist in residence research center Valand School of Fine Arts Gothenburg |
2010 | award for good teaching, University of Fine Arts, Berlin |
2009 | fellowship+residency Summer Academy Paul Klee Zentrum, Berne |
2009 | artist in residency Cura Bodrum, Turkey |
2008 | artists’ website funding grant, Berlin Senate |
2008 | art project grant, German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Berlin |
2008 | artist in residence, Platform Garanti, Istanbul, Turkey |
2008 | art project grant, maecenia foundation, Frankfurt/Main |
2007 | art project grant, German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Berlin |
2007 | Johann-Kaspar-Zeuss Award, City of Kronach |
2007 | artist residency Galileo Studio, DA Kunsthaus Gravenhorst, Muenster |
2001 | MoMA Internship Program, New York City |
2001 | German Academic Exchange Service artists’ grant USA, New York City |
2025 | Zilberman Gallery, Berlin |
2024 | L'Inspecteur des Cultures, Galerie Francoise Heitsch, München Otti Berger. Weaving for Modernist Architecture, temporary bauhaus-archiv, Berlin rock and clay improvations, Platform 82, Berlin (Lecture Performance) |
2022 | Les Primes, Villa Romana, Florenz (Lecture Performance) Anni and the Feline, MOMus, Thessaloniki (Performance) |
2021 | Textile Territories, Villa Massimo, Rom Textile Territories, Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau, Dessau |
2020 | Anni and the Feline, ZKM Karlsruhe (Performance) |
2019 | Anni and the Feline, Yale School of Architecture, New Haven (Performance) |
2019 | Utopia in Crisis, Camberwell College of Arts, London (Performance) |
2019 | After the Butchter, Berlin (Performance) |
2019 | Bauhaus and Harvard, Harvard Art Museums, Cambridge M.A. (Performance-Lecture & Keynote Adress) |
2019 | Anni Albers and the Modernist Textile, Tate Modern/UCL London (Performance Lecture) |
2018 | Rock and Clay Improvisation, LiveWorks Performance Act Award N. 6, Centrale Fies (Performance) |
2017 | Gegenzeit, Schwartzsche Villa, Berlin (Performance) |
2016 | bin der ansicht dass streik nützlich, Aesthetics of the Virtual, HfBK Hamburg (Performance) |
2015 | am of the opinion strike is useful, Careof, Milan, Italy (Performance) |
2015 | am of the opinion strike is useful, Galleria N. Mangione, Turin (Performance) |
2015 | am of the opinion strike is useful, House of World Cultures Berlin, (Performance) |
2015 | A Century of Centuries, Salt Istanbul |
2014 | eser, Heidelberger Kunstverein |
2013 | disestablish, Kunstraum Michael Barthel, Leipzig |
2013 | Herren der Situation, Salon für ästhetische Experimente, House of World Cultures Berlin (Performance) |
2013 | harmless entrepreneurs, Kunstverein Hildesheim (Performance) |
2012 | Disponible Teile, Gallery Chert, Berlin |
2012 | Langer Atem #3: Bahnen und Wege, Heidelberger Kunstverein (Lecture) |
2012 | disestablish, Pavillon Social, Lucca, Italy |
2012 | L'Inspecteur des Cultures, Kunstverein Langenhagen |
2011 | even running, The Return, Goethe-Institut Dublin |
2011 | harmless entrepreneurs, uqbar, Berlin |
2010 | The Baghdad Railway and a weaver's give-away (performance-lecture), DEPO, Istanbul |
2008 | Judith Raum/Contemporary Arts Library Services, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt |
2004 | From the forest, Kunstverein Kronach, Kronach |
2020 | Die ganze Welt ein Bauhaus, ZKM Karlsruhe |
2019 | Stoff, After the Butcher, Berlin |
2019 | To walk a thread like story, Museum of Modern Art, New York |
2019 | My Bauhaus: Experimenting with experiments, Yale, USA |
2019 | Bauhaus: Utopia in Crisis, Camberwell Space, Camberwell College of Arts London |
2019 | Seeds for future memories, ifa Galerie Berlin |
2019 | Bauhaus_Sachsen, Grassi Museum Leipzig |
2017 | The Event of a Thread, ifa-Tourneeausstellung, Kunsthaus Dresden |
2017 | ReFraming Worlds, NGBK Berlin + Galerie am Körnerpark, Berlin |
2017 | digging deep, crossing far - 4th encounter, Lahore, Pakistan |
2017 | On Construction, Food for Thought, Berlin |
2016 | Making Heimat. Germany, arrival country. German Pavillon at the 15th International architecture exhibition, Venice Biennale |
2016 | over/under - under/over. textile turns. CIAP, Hasselt, Belgium |
2016 | digging deep, crossing far, Kunstraum Kreuzberg Bethanien, Berlin |
2015 | Florence Contemporary, Italian Embassy, Berlin |
2015 | A Century of Centuries, Salt Ankara, Turkey |
2015 | I premiati di Villa Romana 2015, Villa Romana Florence |
2015 | wow! Woven? Entering the (sub)Textiles, Halle für Kunst & Medien Graz |
2015 | Memorie volatili, University of Florence Art Space |
2013 | Herbstsalon, Gorki Theater Berlin |
2013 | Why painting now? Galerie Charim, Wien |
2013 | perf., Piano Nobile, Genf |
2013 | On Intimacy, PAH!, Fribourg |
2013 | If Memory Serves, Art Gallery University of Irvine, USA |
2012 | truth is concrete, Steirischer Herbst 2012, Graz |
2012 | An_Eignungen, Kunstverein Langenhagen |
2012 | On Intimacy, Ficarra, Sicily |
2012 | Open letter: Textiles, Galerie der Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst, Leipzig |
2012 | Same time tomorrow, Tiroler Kunstpavillon, Innsbruck |
2011 | Hidden Parts, After the Butcher, Berlin |
2011 | alternative readings, Villa Romana, Florence |
2011 | kurz raus, Gallery Eva Winkeler, Cologne |
2011 | CONCEPTUALnow, artP Kunstverein, Wien |
2011 | AIR2010, AtelierFrankfurt, Frankfur |
2011 | jewlery, Samsa Präsentiert, Berlin |
2011 | Correct me if I'm critical, SkulpturenZentrum/Swedish Embassy, Berlin |
2011 | Invisible / talking objects, nextex, St. Gallen |
2009 | Internal Necessity, Paul Klee Zentrum Bern |
2008 | winter group show, Samsa Presents, Berlin |
2008 | Art Book Sky, National Library, Pishtina |
2007 | Bunkier Salon, Bunkier Sztuki, Krakau |
2007 | Cmelka, Raum, Müller-Friedrich, Samsa Präsentiert, Berlin |
2007 | Sapis, Artpol, Krakau |
2007 | 01/01 halbe Documenta, poliflur, Berlin |
2007 | Sammlung Rausch, Portikus Frankfurt/M |
2007 | Aufzeichnung, AtelierFrankfurt, Frankfurt/M |
2006 | UFO UNO, Frankfurter Kunstverein |
2005 | Videonale 10, Kunstmuseum Bonn |
2005 | Sechs Richtige, Drei Falsche und ein Bild des Monats, Marburger Kunstverein, Marburg |
2005 | Academy Remix, Portikus Frankfurt/M |
2004 | Almanach, Pavillon an der Honselbrücke, Frankfurt/M |
2003 | Festival Junger Talente, Offenbach/M |
2003 | Number One, Weser 5, Frankfurt/M |
2003 | Diesseits, Raum Luther Strasse, Frankfurt/M |
since 2010 | Haben & Brauchen, platform for discussion and action run by cultural actors in Berlin |
since 2008 | artistic research on German economic entanglements in the Near East; publications, exhibitions and talks |
2009 | collaborative research project artists’ mobility and migration, with Iz Ötzat,11th Istanbul Biennale Side Events |
2007 | curator of the Kronach Video Art Award 2007, Kronach, Germany |
2007 | exchange and exhibition project ‚Aufzeichnung-Sapis’, Frankfurt/M-Cracow, Poland |
since 2006 | coordinator of the project The Contemporary Arts Library Prishtina-Berlin |
since 2004 | writings and art criticism, contributor of Flash Art International, Milan |
– Judith Raum: Bauhausraum (catalogue & exhibition reader), Dresden/Stuttgart: 2017 |
2014 | Ines Kleesattel: Judith Raum: eser, Texte zur Kunst, Dezember 2014 |
2014 | S. Kaeppele: Recherche und Kunst. Judith Raum im Heidelberger Kunstverein, Mannheimer Morgen, Juli 2014 |
2013 | Cord Riechelmann: Merkels Kopf gegen Staat und Kapital, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, November 2013 |
2012 | Judith Raum 'disestablish' at Pavillon Social, Lucca, Mousse magazine online issue, june 2012 |
2012 | Judith Raum: disestablish, arte e critica, june 2012 |
2012 | Edith Schlecker: Reflexion als kreativer Prozess, Tiroler Tagesspiegel, april 2012 |
2012 | B.M. Borowsky: Beredte Stoffbahnen, taz Nord, march 2012 |
2011 | Marina Sorbello: Judith Raum's world of things, in: Cura #9, september 2011 |
2010 | Judith Raum: German-Ottoman Fabrics, in: Matt Magazine #7, october 2010 |
2009 | The Contemporary Arts Library Pristina/Berlin/Istanbul: reflections by three involved artists on the project, RES artworld magazin, Istanbul, Turkey, march/april issue 2009 |
2009 | Hortense Pisano: Judith Raum’s Contemporary Arts Library Services Prishtina-Berlin, Journal Frankfurt, Januar 2009 |
2008 | Christoph Schütte: Plattform der Kunst im Kosovo: Judith Raums Contemporary Arts Library Services, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Schauseite, Dezember 2008 |
2008 | Hortense Pisano: Prishtina ist hier, Frankfurter Rundschau, Dezember 2008 |
2008 | Aida Cama: The Contemporary Arts Library Prishtina. Interview with Judith Raum. Radio Deutsche |
2005 | Max Lorenz: Sechs Richtige, Drei Falsche und ein Bild des Monats, Marburger Forum, 2/05 |
2005 | Uwe Badoin: Die Idee ist alles, Oberhessische Presse, january 2005 |
2004 | Sandra Danicke: Die diesjährigen Städelabsolventen im Städel, december 2004 |
2004 | Peter Müller: Judith Raum im Kronacher Kunstverein, Neue Presse Coburg, september 2004 |
Judith Raum lebt und arbeitet in Berlin. Nach ihrem Kunststudium in Frankfurt am Main und New York schloss sie 2006 ihren Magister der Philosophie, Kunstgeschichte und Psychoanalyse an der Universität Frankfurt mit Auszeichnung ab. Ihre Arbeit sucht die Symbiose aus künstlerischen und wissenschaftlichen (Erkenntnis-)Formaten, umfasst Performance Lectures, künstlerische Arbeiten, die auf detaillierter Recherche basieren, und ästhetische Auseinandersetzungen mit philosophischen Fragestellungen. Die Werke der Villa-Romana-Preisträgerin wurden u. a. in Einzelausstellungen in der Galerie Zilberman, Berlin (2025), bei SALT Beyoğlu, Istanbul (2015) und im Heidelberger Kunstverein (2014) gezeigt. Die von ihr herausgegebene Publikation Otti Berger. Weaving for Modernist Architecture erschien 2024 bei Hatje Cantz, ihre Publikation eser ist 2015 bei Archive Books.
1997–2004 | Städelschule, Academy of Fine Arts, Frankfurt/M |
2000–2001 | Cooper Union School of Arts und Parsons School of Design, New York City, USA |
2001–2006 | Master in philosophy, psychoanalysis, art history, University of Frankfurt/M; master thesis on the aesthetic relevance of Merleau-Ponty's philosophy of the body |
2023-25 | Kunsthochschule Kassel: W3-Vertretungsprofessur Basisklasse |
2022 | Kunstakademie Nürnberg: Textile Praktiken & Künstlerische Forschung (Workshop) |
2020 | Kunsthochschule Burg Giebichenstein, Halle/Saale: Dekoloniale Erinnerungsarbeit. Zur Aktualität von A.W. Amo (Workshop) |
2019 | Yale School of Architecture: Activated fabric (Workshop) |
2019 | Harvard-University, Cambridge M.A./Harvard Art Museums: Working with a textile archive (Workshop) |
2019 | Academy of Design, University Gothenburg: Activated fabric (Key-note lecture) |
2017 | Universität der Künste Berlin: Textile and artistic pratice: Gendering at the Bauhaus (Seminar) |
2017 | École Supérieure des Arts et Design Grénoble: The artistic researcher who paints and draws |
2013 | University of Fine Arts Berlin: German orientalism between colonialism and anti-bourgeois thinking (Seminar in collaboration with Prof. Suzanne Marchand, USA) |
2012 | University of Fine Arts Berlin, faculty of design: performed objects (lecture & individual critiques) |
2011 | Valand School of Fine Arts Gothenburg: objects as situations (workshop) |
2011 | University of Fine Arts Berlin: art&life: reading into the history of performance (workshop on invitation of Josephine Pryde) |
2007–2011 | University of Fine Arts Berlin, teaching assignment art theory+ practice |
2010 | University of Fine Arts Berlin, seminar Narrative strategies in Yvonne Rainer's films, with Sabeth Buchmann |
2010 | University of Fine Arts Berlin, seminar Re-reading Karl Marx' Capital |
2007 | University of Siegen, department of architecture, workshop art in public space |
2006 | University of Fine Arts Berlin, theory-workshop contrarious perceptions |
2023 | Jüdisches Museum Berlin, 1. Preis Kunst am Bau Wettbewerb |
2022 | Graham Foundation, Chicago; Krupp-Stiftung, Essen; Hamburger Stiftung zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und Kunst |
2021 | Villa Massimo: Casa Baldi |
2019 | Artistic research grant, Berlin Senate |
2017 | Bundeskulturstiftung, funding for work on Bauhaus-weaver Otti Berger |
2016 | artist working grant, Stiftung Kunstfonds Bonn |
2015 | Villa-Romana-Award 2015, Villa Romana, Florence, Italy |
2013–2011 | artist research grant at the Graduate School for the Arts, University of Fine Arts Berlin |
2011 | artist in residence research center Valand School of Fine Arts Gothenburg |
2010 | award for good teaching, University of Fine Arts, Berlin |
2009 | fellowship+residency Summer Academy Paul Klee Zentrum, Berne |
2009 | artist in residency Cura Bodrum, Turkey |
2008 | artists’ website funding grant, Berlin Senate |
2008 | art project grant, German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Berlin |
2008 | artist in residence, Platform Garanti, Istanbul, Turkey |
2008 | art project grant, maecenia foundation, Frankfurt/Main |
2007 | art project grant, German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Berlin |
2007 | Johann-Kaspar-Zeuss Award, City of Kronach |
2007 | artist residency Galileo Studio, DA Kunsthaus Gravenhorst, Muenster |
2001 | MoMA Internship Program, New York City |
2001 | German Academic Exchange Service artists’ grant USA, New York City |
2025 | Zilberman Gallery, Berlin |
2024 | L'Inspecteur des Cultures, Galerie Francoise Heitsch, München Otti Berger. Weaving for Modernist Architecture, temporary bauhaus-archiv, Berlin rock and clay improvations, Platform 82, Berlin (Lecture Performance) |
2022 | Les Primes, Villa Romana, Florenz (Lecture Performance) Anni and the Feline, MOMus, Thessaloniki (Performance) |
2021 | Textile Territories, Villa Massimo, Rom Textile Territories, Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau, Dessau |
2020 | Anni and the Feline, ZKM Karlsruhe (Performance) |
2019 | Anni and the Feline, Yale School of Architecture, New Haven (Performance) |
2019 | Utopia in Crisis, Camberwell College of Arts, London (Performance) |
2019 | After the Butchter, Berlin (Performance) |
2019 | Bauhaus and Harvard, Harvard Art Museums, Cambridge M.A. (Performance-Lecture & Keynote Adress) |
2019 | Anni Albers and the Modernist Textile, Tate Modern/UCL London (Performance Lecture) |
2018 | Rock and Clay Improvisation, LiveWorks Performance Act Award N. 6, Centrale Fies (Performance) |
2017 | Gegenzeit, Schwartzsche Villa, Berlin (Performance) |
2016 | bin der ansicht dass streik nützlich, Aesthetics of the Virtual, HfBK Hamburg (Performance) |
2015 | am of the opinion strike is useful, Careof, Milan, Italy (Performance) |
2015 | am of the opinion strike is useful, Galleria N. Mangione, Turin (Performance) |
2015 | am of the opinion strike is useful, House of World Cultures Berlin, (Performance) |
2015 | A Century of Centuries, Salt Istanbul |
2014 | eser, Heidelberger Kunstverein |
2013 | disestablish, Kunstraum Michael Barthel, Leipzig |
2013 | Herren der Situation, Salon für ästhetische Experimente, House of World Cultures Berlin (Performance) |
2013 | harmless entrepreneurs, Kunstverein Hildesheim (Performance) |
2012 | Disponible Teile, Gallery Chert, Berlin |
2012 | Langer Atem #3: Bahnen und Wege, Heidelberger Kunstverein (Lecture) |
2012 | disestablish, Pavillon Social, Lucca, Italy |
2012 | L'Inspecteur des Cultures, Kunstverein Langenhagen |
2011 | even running, The Return, Goethe-Institut Dublin |
2011 | harmless entrepreneurs, uqbar, Berlin |
2010 | The Baghdad Railway and a weaver's give-away (performance-lecture), DEPO, Istanbul |
2008 | Judith Raum/Contemporary Arts Library Services, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt |
2004 | From the forest, Kunstverein Kronach, Kronach |
2020 | Die ganze Welt ein Bauhaus, ZKM Karlsruhe |
2019 | Stoff, After the Butcher, Berlin |
2019 | To walk a thread like story, Museum of Modern Art, New York |
2019 | My Bauhaus: Experimenting with experiments, Yale, USA |
2019 | Bauhaus: Utopia in Crisis, Camberwell Space, Camberwell College of Arts London |
2019 | Seeds for future memories, ifa Galerie Berlin |
2019 | Bauhaus_Sachsen, Grassi Museum Leipzig |
2017 | The Event of a Thread, ifa-Tourneeausstellung, Kunsthaus Dresden |
2017 | ReFraming Worlds, NGBK Berlin + Galerie am Körnerpark, Berlin |
2017 | digging deep, crossing far - 4th encounter, Lahore, Pakistan |
2017 | On Construction, Food for Thought, Berlin |
2016 | Making Heimat. Germany, arrival country. German Pavillon at the 15th International architecture exhibition, Venice Biennale |
2016 | over/under - under/over. textile turns. CIAP, Hasselt, Belgium |
2016 | digging deep, crossing far, Kunstraum Kreuzberg Bethanien, Berlin |
2015 | Florence Contemporary, Italian Embassy, Berlin |
2015 | A Century of Centuries, Salt Ankara, Turkey |
2015 | I premiati di Villa Romana 2015, Villa Romana Florence |
2015 | wow! Woven? Entering the (sub)Textiles, Halle für Kunst & Medien Graz |
2015 | Memorie volatili, University of Florence Art Space |
2013 | Herbstsalon, Gorki Theater Berlin |
2013 | Why painting now? Galerie Charim, Wien |
2013 | perf., Piano Nobile, Genf |
2013 | On Intimacy, PAH!, Fribourg |
2013 | If Memory Serves, Art Gallery University of Irvine, USA |
2012 | truth is concrete, Steirischer Herbst 2012, Graz |
2012 | An_Eignungen, Kunstverein Langenhagen |
2012 | On Intimacy, Ficarra, Sicily |
2012 | Open letter: Textiles, Galerie der Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst, Leipzig |
2012 | Same time tomorrow, Tiroler Kunstpavillon, Innsbruck |
2011 | Hidden Parts, After the Butcher, Berlin |
2011 | alternative readings, Villa Romana, Florence |
2011 | kurz raus, Gallery Eva Winkeler, Cologne |
2011 | CONCEPTUALnow, artP Kunstverein, Wien |
2011 | AIR2010, AtelierFrankfurt, Frankfur |
2011 | jewlery, Samsa Präsentiert, Berlin |
2011 | Correct me if I'm critical, SkulpturenZentrum/Swedish Embassy, Berlin |
2011 | Invisible / talking objects, nextex, St. Gallen |
2009 | Internal Necessity, Paul Klee Zentrum Bern |
2008 | winter group show, Samsa Presents, Berlin |
2008 | Art Book Sky, National Library, Pishtina |
2007 | Bunkier Salon, Bunkier Sztuki, Krakau |
2007 | Cmelka, Raum, Müller-Friedrich, Samsa Präsentiert, Berlin |
2007 | Sapis, Artpol, Krakau |
2007 | 01/01 halbe Documenta, poliflur, Berlin |
2007 | Sammlung Rausch, Portikus Frankfurt/M |
2007 | Aufzeichnung, AtelierFrankfurt, Frankfurt/M |
2006 | UFO UNO, Frankfurter Kunstverein |
2005 | Videonale 10, Kunstmuseum Bonn |
2005 | Sechs Richtige, Drei Falsche und ein Bild des Monats, Marburger Kunstverein, Marburg |
2005 | Academy Remix, Portikus Frankfurt/M |
2004 | Almanach, Pavillon an der Honselbrücke, Frankfurt/M |
2003 | Festival Junger Talente, Offenbach/M |
2003 | Number One, Weser 5, Frankfurt/M |
2003 | Diesseits, Raum Luther Strasse, Frankfurt/M |
since 2010 | Haben & Brauchen, platform for discussion and action run by cultural actors in Berlin |
since 2008 | artistic research on German economic entanglements in the Near East; publications, exhibitions and talks |
2009 | collaborative research project artists’ mobility and migration, with Iz Ötzat,11th Istanbul Biennale Side Events |
2007 | curator of the Kronach Video Art Award 2007, Kronach, Germany |
2007 | exchange and exhibition project ‚Aufzeichnung-Sapis’, Frankfurt/M-Cracow, Poland |
since 2006 | coordinator of the project The Contemporary Arts Library Prishtina-Berlin |
since 2004 | writings and art criticism, contributor of Flash Art International, Milan |
– Judith Raum: Bauhausraum (catalogue & exhibition reader), Dresden/Stuttgart: 2017 |
2014 | Ines Kleesattel: Judith Raum: eser, Texte zur Kunst, Dezember 2014 |
2014 | S. Kaeppele: Recherche und Kunst. Judith Raum im Heidelberger Kunstverein, Mannheimer Morgen, Juli 2014 |
2013 | Cord Riechelmann: Merkels Kopf gegen Staat und Kapital, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, November 2013 |
2012 | Judith Raum 'disestablish' at Pavillon Social, Lucca, Mousse magazine online issue, june 2012 |
2012 | Judith Raum: disestablish, arte e critica, june 2012 |
2012 | Edith Schlecker: Reflexion als kreativer Prozess, Tiroler Tagesspiegel, april 2012 |
2012 | B.M. Borowsky: Beredte Stoffbahnen, taz Nord, march 2012 |
2011 | Marina Sorbello: Judith Raum's world of things, in: Cura #9, september 2011 |
2010 | Judith Raum: German-Ottoman Fabrics, in: Matt Magazine #7, october 2010 |
2009 | The Contemporary Arts Library Pristina/Berlin/Istanbul: reflections by three involved artists on the project, RES artworld magazin, Istanbul, Turkey, march/april issue 2009 |
2009 | Hortense Pisano: Judith Raum’s Contemporary Arts Library Services Prishtina-Berlin, Journal Frankfurt, Januar 2009 |
2008 | Christoph Schütte: Plattform der Kunst im Kosovo: Judith Raums Contemporary Arts Library Services, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Schauseite, Dezember 2008 |
2008 | Hortense Pisano: Prishtina ist hier, Frankfurter Rundschau, Dezember 2008 |
2008 | Aida Cama: The Contemporary Arts Library Prishtina. Interview with Judith Raum. Radio Deutsche |
2005 | Max Lorenz: Sechs Richtige, Drei Falsche und ein Bild des Monats, Marburger Forum, 2/05 |
2005 | Uwe Badoin: Die Idee ist alles, Oberhessische Presse, january 2005 |
2004 | Sandra Danicke: Die diesjährigen Städelabsolventen im Städel, december 2004 |
2004 | Peter Müller: Judith Raum im Kronacher Kunstverein, Neue Presse Coburg, september 2004 |